Articles published

The following articles have been published in recent Mountain Bike Magazines.  Mountain Bike Action ( is a great source for information on Mountain Bike products and News .



Having a motion-activated bell on your bike could be the single-most important thing you can do to help keep trails open to mountain bikers.  There are other important reasons to use a bell, here are some of mine.

It has been many years now that I have been using a bell.  I can't imagine being without one: it quietly assisted riders and the mutual respect you receive from using it.  A bell is a darn good tool to have on your bike and it speaks in a way that words con not.

A motion-activated bell just flat-out words., and it works way better than whistling, shouting,"Hey, coming up on your left/right", loud brakes; loud freewheel' or event he most charming English accent.



In an attempt to share your wonderful magazine with the customers and staff at the business I manage, I have been brining past issues of Mountain Bike Action to work for people to read in our eating room.  Alas, someone "borrowed" an issue that has info I need.

I currently have a thumb-operated bell on why handlebar, which works great for annoucingin my presence.  Sometimes, I find myself unable/unwilling to ring the bell when doing techincal downhill sections. A cowbell would be a good alternative, except that those dang bells ring throughout the entire ride.  


Hot Yoga

"This bell is amazing, and customization makes it so much more personal.  I love my awareness bell".