It all started when...
My first ride on a mountain bike took me back to my junior high school days when I had a Schwinn Stingray, with a banana seat and wide flat track bars; it was pure fun!
Before my first ride on a mountain bike I had a life changing experience. I was robbed and shot point blank in the chest with a 357. The bullet went completely through me, hitting my heart, going through my lung, and exiting my back. I had emergency open-heart surgery and staples in my lung to repair the damage. While I was recovering in the hospital a strange phenomenon would overcome me, and I would start crying tears of joy for being alive and, then, tears of sadness that I was so damaged. That altering experience has deepened my appreciation for life, which is truly precious and not to be taken for granted. Since we are only here for a short period of time, how we use it is important! Toward the end of my recovery I came across mountain biking; what a wonderful way to experience the outdoors----way FUN, it's been a love affair ever since.
The first place that I learned of, that used bells on the trails, was Santa Barbara. Upon using their bells I wanted to make a better bell, so I did. I used different sizes, shapes, and thickness of various metals to create my bells. Other riders and I thought that it would be really cool to have a bell that you could silence when necessary. Who wants to hear a bell when you don't need one? So some creative thinking later, I settled on the simple design that I invented and Patented (U.S.Patent #9240175-2016). For years I have ridden with the bell on my bike, and it is a truly positive asset and game changer. I am proud of my contribution promoting awareness, and encourging others to use a bell for safety and good-will.